In three hours I had both the kitchen and the sunroom stripped:
But, there's still some major work removing the cement glue left to do:
Researching how to remove the extra cement-stuff left behind after the tile removal, I came across some articles about laying wood on a concrete slab that really made me question Chuy, our contracted floor laying guy who said he was going to just glue it to the slab. Everyone else expclitly said that there should be a moisture-proof barrier between the slab and the wood that you are laying down. I called my friend Paul, who is doing a major renovation that puts ours to shame, to ask about the situation. He recommended we talk to a couple of other floor guys to get a quote and to ask what exactly they plan on doing. I really don't know why we didn't think of doing this ourselves, but it really makes a lot of sense. Now I think we might have to fire Chuy to get someone in who really knows what he is doing. Ugh...
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